The sales-pitch was as simple as it was untrue. “We’re a group meeting at the Shell petrol station on Wong Nai Chung Gap Road, why don’t you join us". In actual fact there was no group, it was mostly just myself. But I kept going and one day I came across this guy with his headphones deep into his ears. I rode up to him and started chatting, but there was no response. I later found out that it is hard for any sound to make it past Firestarter by The Prodigy. He eventually managed to get the headphones out and I gave him my sales pitch. “Good On-Ya” he replied in Australian, put his headphones back and rode off. I was not sure what to make of that, so I decided to just continue chasing cyclists.
The guy with the headphones stalked us for a while but when he eventually showed up, there was no way to stop the live narration of Mr. Bemet.
The group quickly grew before my “lie” was exposed and the rest is, as they say, history.